Saturday, July 5, 2008

Eat mor chikin...

Unless you are a vegetarian, chicken is probably a part of your everyday diet. So many chicken choices out there… on sandwiches, quesadillas, nachos, pizza, soups, salads, and on and on…I loved chicken…before I got pregnant. I am not really sure how or when it happened all I know is that about 6 weeks into being pregnant, I ordered my usual chicken dishes at some of my favorite restaurants and when I started to eat…I realized I couldn’t. Literally my mouth would stop chewing and swallowing was just not an option…I thought to myself, “What in the world is going on?” Even Jamie as he sat across from me got the terrified, “Is she going to be sick?” look on his face. So, the choice has been made for me. I cannot eat chicken – like it or not. So, I will wait patiently until once again I can bite into a juicy Chick Fil A sandwich and say…Mmmmm….

1 comment:

Sherry said...

Chicken is so gross to me even now, unless it is really dry. I can eat Chik Fil A sandwiches, but that's about it. I am especially disgusted by cold chicken in salads. Yuck.